PLM Treatment on 7/22

Our summer weather certainly has been a little surprising.  Our lake water temperature was up to 80 degrees a couple of weeks ago.  With the talk of the high air temperatures, it seems the water temperature should have increased, instead it is now down to 71 degrees  The lake level has dropped about 7 inches since the Spring high. Now with the rains, we are down only 6 inches!

A reminder PLM will have another treatment in 7/22 for those that contract with them.

The sewer  operators have started irrigating from the lagoons and will be bringing the water level down.  The system ;has added four new generators to the 18 major lift/pumping stations around our lakes.  This will help during power outages to keep the system functioning.  During power outages, it is important to try to use as little water as possible.  The other 14 stations have to be pumped with large generators trucked to each lift station to pump to the next station.  The less water we use, especially now that more and more of us have generators and can continue to have water from our wells, the easier it is to now overwhelm the system.”

We have been much better at not putting any foreign items down our drains.  This includes gauze, diapers, dental floss, female items, Swifter pads, etc. When a pump gets plugged, it takes two operators about three hours to free up the pump.

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